The Climber's Paradise: Conquering the Mountains of Moraira, Jalon, and Parcent

As I stood at the base of the infamous Coll de Rates, my legs trembled with anticipation. The morning sun cast a golden glow over the picturesque village of Moraira, but I knew the real challenge lay ahead. The road unwound before me like a serpent, stretching up the mountain towards the sky. I took a deep breath, clicked into my pedals, and began the ascent.

The climb to Coll de Rates is no easy feat, but the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding mountains made every pedal stroke worth it. The road twists and turns, offering glimpses of the stunning scenery below. As I crested the top, I was rewarded with a panoramic view of Moraira and its sparkling coastline.

But this was just the beginning. Next up was Bernia, another behemoth of a climb that would test my endurance and leave me breathless. The narrow road winds its way up the mountain, steep gradients and hairpin turns keeping me on my toes. The silence was almost palpable as I focused on each pedal stroke, my rhythmical breathing the only sound breaking the stillness.

After conquering Bernia, I made my way to Pego, a town nestled in the heart of the mountains. The climb was a steady grind, but the scenery was breathtaking – rolling hills, olive groves, and sparkling streams kept my spirits high.

Next up was Cumbre de Sol, a mountain that seemed to stretch on forever. The road snaked its way up, offering tantalizing glimpses of the summit. Each pedal stroke felt like an eternity as I clawed my way upwards, but finally, I reached the top – and what a view! The sun beat down on me as I gazed out at the endless expanse of mountains and valleys below.

But even more awaited me in Parcent, where Tudons loomed large. This mighty climb is not for the faint of heart – steep gradients and tight switchbacks will leave even the most seasoned cyclists gasping for air. But the sense of accomplishment as I crested the top was unmatched – I had conquered some of the toughest climbs in Spain!

As I descended back down to Moraira, my legs weary but triumphant, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this cycling paradise. The climbs around Moraira, Jalon, and Parcent are not for everyone – they demand respect and perseverance – but for those who dare to take them on, the rewards are immeasurable.

Tips for tackling these climbs:

  • Start early to avoid the midday heat
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks to keep your energy levels up
  • Choose a suitable bike with good gearing for climbing
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes designed for cycling
  • Take regular breaks to rest and rehydrate
  • Enjoy the views – it's all worth it!

Cycling climbs:

  • Coll de Rates
  • Bernia
  • Pego
  • Cumbre de Sol
  • Tudons
  • etc

Getting there:

Moraira is located in the Alicante province of Spain. Fly into Alicante Airport (ALC) and rent a car or book a transfer to Moraira.


Moraira has a range of accommodations from budget-friendly apartments to luxury villas. Book in advance to ensure availability.

Food and drink:

Try local specialties like paella and gazpacho at one of Moraira's many restaurants. Don't forget to wash it down with a cold glass of sangria!

When to visit:

The best time to visit is September till May. June, July and August can be to hot.

Now that you're itching to tackle these epic climbs, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

Get in contact, we can help you with accommodation, bikes, etc